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Welcome to Good Shepherd
Fed By God to
Feed Our Neighbors

Our Latest On-line Worship

​We are presently meeting in-person at 9:30 AM on Sundays. Worship Service is also live-streamed on our Facebook.



We are called by a God who sustains us every day so that we can be a living expression of God's love and compassion in our community.

  • Each school day we provide nutritious meals, school readiness and faith formation for 92 preschoolers and 21 infants.

  • Every week volunteers provide holy listening and comfort on the streets of Rutland through Faith on Foot- Street Reach.

  • Each week we provide hundreds of breakfasts & lunch's to community members in need at The Comfort Zone located at 60 Strongs Ave. in Rutland.

  • Every month we share an amazing community meal through-Breaking Bread


If you're hungry, then you're ready for something more... Come and be fed.


“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17


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